Tutorial Speakers

Here is the list of the renowned scientists who have accepted to give a tutorial talk during the IQFA's 8th Colloqiuim. Each tutorial talk is associated with one or two thematics covered by IQFA.
  • Prof. Vincent Jacques (University of Montpellier, France) QMET - "Exploring condensed matter physics with a single spin microscope".
  • Prof. Norbert Lütkenhaus (University of Waterloo, Canada) QCOM - "Optical realization of information and communication complexity protocols".
  • Prof. Sandu Popescu (University of Bristol, UK) FQA - "Quantum measurements and PR boxes".
  • Prof. Christophe Salomon (Ecole Normale Supérieure, France) - QSIM - "Quantum simulation with ultra-cold gases".
  • Prof. Rupert Ursin (University of Vienna, Austria) QCOM/FQA - "Quantum communication in free-space, fiber and eventually to a satellite".
  • Prof. Gilles Zémor (Université de Bordeaux, France) - QPAC/QCOM - "Quantum low density parity-check codes".
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